Make your own conversation piece when you knit this funky and original monster purse. Think a monster purse is a “bit much”? You can use the same design without the eyes and appendages and have a really cool fluffy purse. Still guaranteed to get you the occasional comment and looks of envy.
I’ve made this pattern as simple as possible with the least amount of sewing necessary (my least favourite thing to do). It doesn’t even need a zipper, as I designed it to have a flap to fold over and hold in your valuables securely.
The pattern is fairly simple and easy to follow, but in case you have a hard time with the fluff stitch, I made a video which shows the technique. In case you don’t have access to wifi, I also provided pictures and descriptions on how to make the fluff stitch. The pictures are at the end of the pattern with the video just a scroll or two away..
If you like, you can download the pattern as a PDF from my website!
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K = Knit
P = Purl
FS = Fluff Stitch. This is the loop stitch and is described in detail after the tips and hints. You can also watch the video here:
Depending on how tight you knit you may need larger or smaller needles. If you’ve knitted before you probably have a good idea of what needles you need. The tension for this project is:
10 stitches = 2 inches
14 rows = 2 inches
Because there is no sizing to a purse, the tension isn’t overly important. A little tighter or loser won’t make much difference to the final product.
Things you need:
One ball of worsted weight yarn
Pair of size 4.5 knitting needles (single pointed)
large eyed needle for sewing up seams
Cloth to line the purse
Needle and thread to sew lining to purse
Cast on 55 sts
Row 1: (and all odd rows): Knit
Row 2: P16 FS23 P16
Row 3 – 20: Repeat the rows 1 and 2.
Row 21: Knit
With the WRONG side facing you…
Row 22: P16 FS6 P2 FS7 P2 FS6 P16.
Row 23: Knit
Row 24: Repeat row 22.
Row 25 – 32: Repeat rows 1 and 2.
Row 33: Knit
Row 34: Purl
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Row 35 – 64: repeat rows 33 and 34.
With RIGHT side facing you, cast off.
Sew seams down the back and bottom of the purse. Work in the ends.
Arms and Legs (make four)
Cast on 6 sts. (Leave a long cast on end to use to attach the arm or leg)
Row 1: Knit
Row 2: Purl
Row 3 – 18: Repeat rows 1 and 2.
Row 19: K K2tog twice K
Draw yarn through and pull tight.
Work in the draw through ends. Attach legs and arms to the body as you see fit.
Cast on 6 sts. (Leave a long cast on and cast off ends to use to attach the strap)
Row 1: Knit
Row 2: Purl
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until the length you desire. With RIGHT side facing, cast off.
Hints and Tips
You don’t need to sew up the seams of the legs, arms or the strap. The way that it’s knit causes the swatches to roll up on their own.
The top will automatically roll too! The casting off finishes the edge.
When making the strap, remember that the knitting will stretch. Make it shorter than you want the final length to be. Give the strap and the legs a good tug to make them roll up even more.
You can line the purse with any sort of material. A piece of material from an old t-shirt would do nicely.
The top flap can be as long or as short as you like. I wrote the pattern for it to be 30ish rows long but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re comfortable with making it shorter and adding a zipper, you can always do that too.
You don’t need to make a monster. You can skip making the arms and legs and instead of making the empty places for the eyes in rows 22 and 24, make the FS in all 23 stitches.
You can make a widget like this for your blog or website, too.
Instructions are on my website here: How to Display Etsy Items on Your Website
Make the Fluff or Loop Stitch
If you would prefer to see the video you can watch it here. Keep scrolling down to the bottom of the page or you can see it here – How to Knit the Fluff Stitch for the Monster Purse
To make the Fluff stitch (FS): Insert needle into to next stitch as if to KNIT. Wrap the yarn (up & over) CLOCKWISE around the needle and the index finger of your LEFT hand TWICE. Leave these loops on your finger until you are finished knitting the entire stitch!

Wrap the yarn ONCE around the needle only.

Pull all 3 loops of yarn through stitch as knitting a regular stitch.

Insert the needle in your LEFT hand through these three loops and transfer these 3 loops onto the LEFT hand needle.

Insert you RIGHT hand needle through these three loops as if to knit.

Insert you RIGHT hand needle through these three loops as if to knit.

The stitch is now completed.
hi could you explain what F23 means when making the body. im guessing p 16 means purl 16 stitches. Thanks
It’s the fluff or loop stitch. There’s a video showing you how to do it.