Help Support My Work!

Thank you so much for even considering to help support my work!

The best way you can help me out is to share my patterns on your social media. Use the SHARE links on every pattern or copy and paste the link in the address bar in your next post, tweet, etc. More eyeballs on my work helps spread the word about this website!

Want to make a monthly contribution, avoid ads and pop-ups, and get instant, PRINTABLE downloads of my patterns? Become a Member on this website! When you become a Website Supporter for $3/month, you’ll gain access to exclusive member only posts. These posts contain one click downloads of the patterns. Simply click the Download & Print button. The PDF will automatically download to your computer or smart device. You can then read it on your device or print it at your leisure. You can download as many patterns as you like for the same $3 each month. You can go to this page to learn more, become a member and support my work… Exclusive Member Area


If you’d like to make a one time financial contribution to show your appreciation instead, you can Buy Me A Coffee. There are no patterns available to print with this option.


Also, I love seeing what people have made with my patterns. Be sure to tag me on social media when you add a post of what you’ve made so I can see what you’ve done! To know what to tag me as, follow me on social media. You can use these handy links:

How I Cover Website Costs

I want to be completely upfront with where the majority of the financial support comes from to help operate this site. You’ve probably noticed the ads that are running throughout the site. There are two types. The first are Google ads and I earn revenue every time an ad is clicked. I also am an affiliate to a number of programs. I only get a small stipend when you make a purchase from their site after clicking the ad from my page to take you their site. For example, if you click on one of the Amazon Products I’ve linked to in a pattern and then buy that item, or any other items from Amazon within 24 hours, I will make a very small profit from that sale. Donations are few and far between unfortunately, and the hosting costs run $90+ per month minimum. Being a part of these programs helps to cover those costs. Free for you doesn’t mean its free for me.

Another way to support my work and avoid the ad support web version of my patterns is to pay the small download fee. I sell my patterns directly through this website, and also on Ravelry, Etsy, and LoveCrafts. Not every publication is available at every retailer. Your best places to go is here or Etsy.

Don’t want to give cash? 

That’s totally cool too! If you can’t help out financially, please share my work! I’ve added handy share buttons for you, so please use them! Click the Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and email icons to share any page. Following me on social media (YouTubeFacebookInstagramPinterestTwitter, Threads, TikTok, etc.), is a HUGE help. Every follow, subscribe, thumbs up, like, heart and share helps to increase my popularity on the web and get more viewers to my work. It costs you nothing but helps me sooooo much! When it comes to the internet, it’s all about people sharing and liking what you do. It won’t take long and really is only the matter of clicking a few buttons.

A little more about where I’m coming from with this. I truly love creating the patterns and videos but writing and editing requires a ton of effort. Even the most simplest of patterns takes hours to develop and get “just right”.

A video takes even longer! Right now this pattern thing is a spare time sorta gig. My side hustle, if you will. I work a real job every day and only do this on days off or a few hours here and there during the week. I have a bunch of ideas that I would love to bring to fruition but there are only so many hours in the day. With your help, I would love to be able to quit my job (even though I really like it) and pursue this full time. The only way that I can do this is with your help. It doesn’t need to be a lot. Whatever you’re comfortable with.

I’m at a crossroads right now. I want to keep my future patterns and videos free for everyone to enjoy, but I can’t do this for nothing. I have a mortgage, bills, etc, etc, like we all do. My heart tells me I should give them away. The rest of me says you need someplace to live and to eat every day… So encourage me with a small token of appreciation. It really doesn’t need to be much. Any little bit helps.

Making a purchase, all payments handled by PayPal, is also a good way to support my work and get a little something in return. If you’re not comfortable with purchasing through here, I also run an Etsy shop – KweenBee, and you can purchase the same items through there.

Buy Finished Items


Buy slippers, jewelry, fingerless mitts & more. Click here to see what handmade items are available.


Click here to see everything available in my online shop


Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.


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