free knitted broach pattern

More Free Patterns

There are a ton of fabulous websites offering great patterns, thorough tutorials, and ingenious techniques you may not be aware of. There are even venues to sell or showcase your work. This is a curated list of some of the goodies that I’ve found online that I think you may find useful. And I’ve made a concerted effort to make sure that all of the patterns shown are available as free to read online or to download.

I’m VERY interested in adding your work this list. I’m open to anything. I generally create these lists based on what I can find and a theme. Please send me an email via the form below with your name, email, website link and description. I’ll be sure to check it out and add it to this ever growing list. Keep scrolling to the end of this page to submit your pattern, page or video.

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Click here to see all the new patterns and other websites you may find useful or interesting. Newest links to patterns and other useful websites are listed from newest to oldest.

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